By Kim Mitchell

On the 31st May 2022 at 37 weeks my grandson Halo Micki MONTANEZ was born sleeping. He was perfect and beautiful. He is our special Angel who is so loved and so missed . Our grief will last a life time. He was stillborn but    STILL   BORN   and our hearts will always be broken.  

Research is needed for stillbirth prevention and to save little lives.  2000 babies a stillborn  each year, We need to understand  why stillbirth happens and we need to lower this number  

As Halo’s first heavenly birthday is almost here I know I need to do something to support finding a cause and prevention to reduce preventable stillbirth in Australia.
I am asking for donations to provide funding that will assist with investigating why still birth occurs,   activities to  prevent stillbirth education and awareness.  To  ensure families affected by stillbirth receive respectful and supportive care, grief support and  evidence based coping strategies and increase public awareness.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kim Mitchell


Jill Tilney

Thinking of Halo x