Fundraise in honour
of someone special

Honouring a special someone by fundraising in their name is a beautiful way to keep their memory alive while helping other grieving families when they need it most.

 Create a tribute Find a tribute page

Create a tribute page

Tribute pages are a beautiful way for parents, or their family and friends to fundraise whilst sharing memories of the much-loved babies and children that are no longer with us. 

 Create a tribute   Find a tribute page

How it works


Create a tribute page in honour of your own baby or child, or as a tribute to someone else - letting them know they are in your thoughts.


Share your tribute page link with family, friends and colleagues. Let them know they can make a 'donation in honour' to help fund support services for families in need.


You can use your tribute page as a place to share stories, memories, photos and connect with your community of supporters and loved ones.

Host a memorial dinner

Bring family and friends together to share a meal and honour the memory of someone special. Host the event at your home, online or at a favourite location. Set up your tribute page today to collect donations and share memories of your special little someone.

 Register your tribute event  

Honour them outside

Bring family and friends together for a walk, picnic or barbeque in honour of your special little someone. Set up your tribute page today to collect donations and share memories of your little one.

 Register your tribute event  

Join an event

Get a team of your friends and family together to do something active in memory of your little one - you can run, ride, swim or anything in-between. Find an event near you today.

 Find an event  

Say Their Name Day

Join us on 25 March for Say Their Name Day and help raise awareness of pregnancy loss, stillbirth, baby and child death and raise much-needed funds to ensure every bereaved family has access to the support they need, for as long as they need it.

 Join Say Their Name Day  

A tribute with a difference

However you choose to fundraise in memory of your special little one, you'll be helping thousands of other grieving families access vital support services, including one-on-one counselling, a 24/7 Peer Support Line and so much more.

 Create a tribute

Your support makes a profound difference


One-on-one counselling and support groups for newly bereaved families

24/7 Support

24/7 support via our Grief and Loss Support Line for families in need


World-class research to understand why babies die so we can stop little lives being cut short once-and-for-all