My Recent Sponsors

Robbie Morgan
So much love and respect for you bro.

What a beautiful way to remember and celebrate those that we love but are no longer with us. Congrats and good luck !

Dave And Jo Denton
So proud of you and our love it with you always Dave and Jo

Aaron Ryland
Great cause brother 🙏👌

Daikin Australia Pry Limited

Marko And Dolores
Go get ‘em

Michael Trad
Well done Shady. We are with you every step of the way.

Tetta & Douddo
On the memory of our beloved first grandson Luca

Brian & Joyce Lord
Great cause. Well done Shady.

Mum And Dad
Habibi Shido Mum and I are so proud of you and what you always do for your family . May God bless and your very beautiful family . With our love 😘😘😘